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Submitted to the 4th Annual Obsidian Theatre Festival (OTF)?
Are you a Black Playwright interested in having your work showcased and filmed before a live audience in Detroit and later streamed?
Submissions are being accepted for both plays and musicals. Please scroll down for all the full submission guidelines!
OTF Main Stage Semi-finalists will receive readings through Blackboard Plays.

Mainstage Submissions
The Obsidian Theatre Festival, produced in the city of Detroit, by Detroiters, is a celebration of Black stories, the stories that will highlight the prolific work of emerging Black voices, and focusing on the vast array of diverse experiences of those within the African diaspora in America. www.obsidianfest.org
It is the mission of the Obsidian Theatre Festival to feature the work of exciting Black voices, and illuminate the rich diversity of experiences relevant to the African diaspora in America.
We will entertain, educate and provoke the thoughtful consideration of a broad theatrical audience, while normalizing the panoply of Black American culture.
The OBSIDIAN THEATRE FESTIVAL is seeking new, short and full length plays by emerging Black playwrights for its upcoming theatre festival: June 27-30, 2024
As part of the four day festival, four (4) select plays will be staged, rehearsed, produced, performed, and filmed. Pieces will be presented for live theatre audiences, as well as filmed stage productions. Each play or musical will receive two (2) performances during the festival week.
Submissions will be accepted starting August 15, 2023 and due no later than September 29th, 2023 (applications accepted on a rolling basis).
- Plays no shorter than 30 minutes.
- A sample of 10 pages.
- A current, complete script.
- Video Submissions will not be accepted.
- No more than 100 play submissions will be accepted.
Selected pieces will be produced for live audiences in Detroit and filmed for streaming across the country.
Selected playwrights will be paid a stipend of $500USD.
Question: Do you have to live in Detroit to participate / submit your play?
Answer: No.
Question: Can I submit if my play is less than 30 minutes long?
Answer: No. Although we ask for a sample of 10-pages, the festival is not a 10-minute play festival.
Question: Can I still submit my play if it has already had a reading or been produced somewhere else?
Answer: While we encourage new work, we also support the developmental process. If your piece is in development, has had a reading, or been produced at smaller theatres then send it along.
Question: Can I submit more than one play?
Answer: Yes, however, no more than two submissions per playwright will be permitted. Playwright’s submitting more than two works will be removed from the committee process.
Question: What do you mean by filmed?
Answer: The Obsidian Theatre Festival is captured by 3 – 4 cameras in the theatre during the festival. The captured footage will then be edited and streamed on Obsidian’s website later in the year.

Musical Theatre Submissions
The Obsidian Theatre Festival, produced in the city of Detroit, by Detroiters, is a celebration of Black stories, the stories that will highlight the prolific work of emerging Black voices, and focusing on the vast array of diverse experiences of those within the African diaspora in America. www.obsidianfest.org
The OBSIDIAN THEATRE FESTIVAL is seeking new, musical theatre pieces by emerging Black playwrights, composers, and librettists for its upcoming theatre festival: June 27-30, 2024. Each play or musical will receive two (2) performances during the festival week.
As part of the four day festival, one (1) select musical will be staged, rehearsed, produced, performed, and filmed. The piece will be presented for live theatre audiences, as well as filmed stage productions. There will be two (2) performances.
Submissions will be accepted starting August 15, 2023 and due no later that September 29th, 2023 (applications accepted on a rolling basis)
For consideration, please submit the following:
- Musicals between 30-60 minutes in length (operettas, musical comedy, book musicals, experimental theatre, etc.).
- Audio recordings 2-5 minutes in length.
- Musical documentation of two pieces (sheet music, lead sheets, chord charts).
- Selected pieces will be produced for live audiences in Detroit and filmed for streaming across the country.
*Applications are limited to no more than 25 musical theatre submissions.
* Due to the nature of this festival and the location of the staged readings, at this time, pieces that require heavy choreography will not be a good fit.
Selected pieces will be produced for live audiences in Detroit and filmed for streaming across the country.
Selected musical theatre teams will be paid a flat stipend of $500.00 USD
Question: Do you have to live in Detroit to participate/submit your work?
Answer: No.
Question: What if my musical has already had a reading or what if it has been produced somewhere else? Can I still submit it?
Answer: While we encourage new work we also support the developmental process. If your piece is in development, has had a reading, or has been produced at smaller theatres, please feel encouraged to send it along.
Question: What if I don’t have sheet music or a high-quality recording?
Answer: We understand and acknowledge that the quality of your work is not determined by your access to resources and effort to create a space that centers artists of all backgrounds. While we are requesting certain submission details (recordings, documentation, etc.) your piece will not be judged on the quality of these assets, but rather the strength of your work.
Question: Can I submit more than one musical?
Answer: Yes, however, no more than two submissions per playwright will be permitted. Playwright’s submitting more than two works will be removed from the committee process.
Question: What do you mean by filmed?
Answer: The Obsidian Theatre Festival is captured by 3 – 4 cameras in the theatre during the festival. The captured footage will then be edited and streamed on Obsidian’s website later in the year.